Testimonials from learners who have completed the

Online EBP Leaders’ Course

For more information on the course, click here.


Kent Police crest.jpg

Ben Loose, Detective Chief Inspector, Kent Police, UK

“The breadth and the depth of the course was much greater than I thought, and will be applicable in lots of different areas of business I’ll be leading on…The stand-out part for me was about domestic abuse, and how diversion is more effective than arresting for low-level offences. That goes against everything we’ve been taught.”


Jayne Indian, Analyst Sergeant, Victoria Police, Australia

"The presentations around body-worn cameras and police legitimacy. There were just some concepts in there I hadn't given an awful lot of thought to, and the ways that you can use different data, so with the body-worn cameras, looking at which members are turning their cameras off, and see if that correlates with members that you're having complaints about. It's just about using the evidence to steer you in a direction without being reactive all the time."


Lieutenant Alan Balog, Burlington Police Department, USA:

“The course was exceptional. I've attended nationally recognized courses in the United States and the value in this course exceeded those courses in many ways by offering more content based on strong scientific evidence. In the current era of police reform, leaders must use Evidence Based Policing if they want to improve and maintain community trust in the police.”



Detective Senior Sergeant

Anthony Town

, Victoria Police, Australia:

“The CHI is a very interesting concept and its benefit to targeting resources becomes even more apparent as I work through this course”

“Police need to be more experimental, embrace research findings, and rigorously test the effects of any intervention to identify what works and what doesn’t”

“Combining the learnings from this course, my policing career...has cemented my belief that the future of policing calls for greater collaboration with community and academia, with the intent of building crime prevention policy and strategies that are evidence based”


Mark Langhorn, Inspector, Victoria Police, Australia

"It now makes me consider everything that I do, not just in terms of business, but hotspots and offender management, family violence, public order, and how I can apply evidence-based practice to it. That's what I expected to get from it and it has changed my thinking around my approaches"

"Our internal training often isn't focused on evidence-based policing, so it's great to be able to access Larry Sherman's thinking and all of the lecturers and presenters who are very experienced in presenting from a scientific basis. That's something we wouldn't normally get in policing"


Justin Cornford, Inspector, Victoria Police, Australia

"The clarity is around the harm aspect. I was very focused on targeting volume crime, because we are driven in Victoria by crime counts. But now, to have an understanding of the harm, and a focus on targeting those high-harm offences, and putting appropriate resources to investigate those and solve those offences."

"I always thought that I had a vast policing knowledge. The course has shown me that maybe I did in a technical sense, but it's definitely broadened my experience in relation to policing harm, community policing, and identifying where our resources should be allocated"