Louise Bland, Assoc CIPD
Louise Bland has extensive experience of working in the police and probation services. During 13 years with Suffolk and Norfolk Constabularies, she held a number of management roles including in the Intelligence, Automatic Number Plate Recognition and Human Resources departments. Her work involved the management of over 140,000 intelligence reports a year and oversight of the daily tasking and briefing process across both forces. Louise has also managed large scale projects including the cross-force amalgamation of intelligence departments, the development of ANPR infrastructure and big-data analytic capacity, the implementation of new IT systems and the management of data quality.
Before moving into policing, Louise worked as an offender manager in the National Probation Services, working at HMP Highpoint to develop rehabilitation programmes for detainees.
In 2017, Louise completed qualifications with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and moved to Human Resources within Suffolk and Norfolk Constabularies as the Workforce Planning Manager, until she joined CCEBP in March 2020. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management with Human Resources.