If you are booking more than 5 places, please indicate the name, email address and dietary requirements of the other attendees here.
If you have any questions or would like to add any comments, please do so here.
Thank you.
Please indicate the invoicing details below:
- Attention to;
- Postal address;
- Email address (if different from above);
- Purchase Order number (if required).
If these details are not known, please ask your Organisation to send the invoicing details and/or Purchase Order via email to admin@cambridge-ebp.co.uk.
Please indicate the invoicing details below:
- Name;
- Postal address;
- Email address (if different from above).
An invoice will be emailed to you directly with the registration confirmation.
Thank you.
Your registration form has been submitted.
We aim to respond within 48 hours and confirm your registration.
If required, kindly ask your Organisation to send a Purchase Order or invoicing details to Chief@cambridge-ebp.co.uk.
If you indicated your Organisation invoicing details or selected to pay for the Course individually, an invoice and BACS payment details will be sent via email.